Dental Hygienist Questions Endodontist

Can a root canal tooth still hurt?

I had a root canal 4 months ago. It hurts now. What could be the cause?

7 Answers

It could be improper bite or occlusion. Or could be infection .. check it again with your dentist or Endodontist
Yes, it can. It depends on many factors including the way it has been done, your body response to it and final restoration. Please keep in mind that root canal treatment is not always 100% and there is a chance of reinfection.
Yes it is possible for a root canal tooth to still hurt. Depending on the reason, it is possible for the tooth to heal naturally, it may need further treatment, or it may need to be extracted. You should contact the dentist who did the root canal or visit an endodontist.
Sorry to hear it. Pain can come from multiple things. A severe infection that did not respond to the original treatment, a missed canal, a not fully cleaned out canal, reinfection, fracture, the bite can be off, non-tooth related: gum problems, TMJ problems, trauma, recurrent decay, referred pain from another tooth, and more. See your endodontist for re-evaluation of the problem. Good Luck,
It could be due to a number of reasons including a missed canal, accessory canals , incomplete removal of necrotic tisue. Please return to the professional who did the procedure.
When a root canal is done. The dentist does his best to remove the nerve and associated tissues inside the tooth. Unfortunately this is not possible due to the irregularities inside each tooth. The residual tissues cause the reaction. Most likely you will need to have the tooth removed. If you would like more information, please let me know. my website is Dr Michael Rouff DMD
Yes.depending on the particular situation