Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Can acupuncture heal back pain?

I have back pain. Can acupuncture heal back pain?

12 Answers

Hello, acupuncture is most famous for healing back pain as supported by decades of clinical research and clinical experience. It is always recommended that one first see one's MD and be informed with radiographs (i.e., x-rays, MRI, CT scan, etc). This helps to better inform the acupuncturist on the potential causes of the back pain, i.e., slipped discs, herniated discs. Dr. Miura
I've seen people end up paun free from back pain doing acupuncture. But I'd need a lot more information to determine if acupuncture would likely help you.
Yes, acupuncture is excellent at helping resolve back pain. Dr. Devorah Walder, D.Ac. Spectrum Acupuncture & Wellness 301-565-2700 *Chronic & Complex Conditions & Fertility Specialist*
Yes, it can. It depends on the underlying cause. Your acupuncturist will want to examine your back and ask lots of questions to understand where the pain originates and will formulate a treatment plan for you. You should plan a minimum of 10 visits, but it may be more than that depending on what the acupuncture finds.
Acupuncture has been well known for treating back pains. it opens up channels/meridians passing back spine, consequently activating energy and blood flow vigorously.
Sure. We've many very important points on the back that are core to one's health. It's also the most often presented disorder to acupuncturists.
While acupuncture may not "heal" back pain in the sense of curing an underlying condition, it can be effective in reducing pain, improving mobility, and promoting overall well-being. It's important to note that individual responses to acupuncture can vary, and its effectiveness may depend on the specific cause and nature of your back pain.
Yes. Back pain can be healed with acupuncture, possibly supplemented with massage and herbs depending on the severity.
Yes, back pain was the very first thing that the NIH approved acupuncture for. It's very effective.
Whether things can be healed and the degree of healing that might occur are going to be directly dependent on what, exactly, is causing the pain in the first place.

Assuming you're someone who responds to acupuncture, treatment will almost certainly result in a reduction or elimination of the pain. How much healing occurs on the back side of the pain relief is anyone's guess.

Having some sort of imaging (xray/MRI) that gives your provider some idea what's going on to cause the pain will do two things:

1. It helps practitioners figure out or refine their treatment approach.
2. It will help to level set how much healing might happen and what we can do to maximize that.
Yes, acupuncture can heal back pain.