“Can acupuncture help nerve pain in the head?”
I have nerve pain in my head. Can acupuncture help nerve pain in the head?
13 Answers
As an acupuncturist, I have good experience helping nerve pain in the head.
Please visit any acupuncture clinic near you and get help.
Please visit any acupuncture clinic near you and get help.
Yes, acupuncture can be used to treat nerve pain in the head and has been found to be effective in treating chronic tension headaches, migraine headaches, and other forms of head-related nerve pain. Studies have shown that acupuncture can help to reduce the pain and frequency of headaches in patients with chronic tension headaches and migraine headaches. Acupuncture can also be helpful in relieving the symptoms of Bell's palsy.
Yes. Acupuncture with massage, and probably herbs, can help relive your nerve pain in the head gradually.
If the pain is due to an implant, like a metal plate, most likely it will not help. But if the pain is organic in nature, Acupuncture should help.
Yes. Acupuncture is very calming for the nerves. Headaches are also easily treatable with acupuncture in general. Check with your primary to see if alternative medicine would be beneficial in your case. - Live Happy, Michael
Acupuncture is one of the very few disciplines to handle and heal nerve pain in the body. It depends on where in the head, how long youve had it, and how severe, but acupuncture should be able to help if you consistently go to treatments from a skilled and qualified practitioner.
Generally, yes, acupuncture is a good treatment choice for nerve pain or nerve damage. This is something that can take a while to improve though, so be prepared to attend 5-7 treatments.
Yes, acupuncture is very effective in treating neuropathies anywhere in the body. Especially in places like the head, face, neck, hands, and feet, that are too delicate to be treated by other modalities. It's best to schedule an assessment though to find out the exact cause of the pain, as we offer many different treatment options (from chiropractic, naturopathic, MT, physical therapy, as well as acupuncture) and it's best to know which option is best suited for what is going on for your condition.