Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

Can acupuncture help with sinus infections?

I have a sinus infection. I want to treat it. Can acupuncture help with sinus infections?

18 Answers

Yes, acupuncture can help with sinus infections
Acupuncture can help you with the inflammation, congestion and overall symptoms of a sinus infection. But to get rid of the bacteria you need to take antibiotics.

Set an appointment with your Physician and once you start the course of antibiotics I can start treating you for the symptoms and help your body to recover faster.
Of course , acupuncture can treat all kind of sinus, allergy and respiratory disease check out healing acupuncture and beyond on google on patients's review
Yes! Acupuncture can help relieve the symptoms of sinus infections by reducing inflammation and allowing the sinuses to drain. Sometimes the effects of acupuncture are immediate. Acupuncture also helps prevent repeat infections.

Please know that if this is a bacterial infection, you should still see your doctor for antibiotic treatment.
Yes, it works good for sinus infection.
Aloha There!

Yes, acupuncture definitely can help with sinus infections and allergies.

I have been having great results at the clinic with it.

Hope it will help you.

Melissa Pulicicchio
This is very straightforward. For me, it’s a simple one treatment with herbs. No western antibiotics that can destroy your intestinal flora. Specific acupuncture points are used with herbs that have antibiotic-like properties that clear the infection internally and externally.
Acupuncture can help with sinus infections! Yes!
Acupuncture with herbs and sometimes massage can help you get relief or even get rid of your sinus infections.
yes. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
It can definitely help with the symptoms
Yes absolutely. Also, for sinus infections, you want to omit dairy, gluten, sugar and greasy foods until it clears. Implement bitter greens, watercress juice, Epsom Salt baths, a daily netty pot routine, and immune boosters like liposomal Vitamin C, Elderberry syrup, Reishi mushrooms, echinacea etc.
Yes, acupuncture can help with sinus infections.
Yup, acupuncture can treat and help prevent sinus infections. There are also many herbal formulas that they might have to help. You might also try rinsing with a nettie pot with 1 cup warm water to 1/4 tsp salt to get rid of it faster.
Infection is one of the rare cases where acupuncture and Chinese medicine have less to offer relative to conventional medicine. If your sinus infection is fairly mild, acupuncture can sometimes help to relieve the congestion. If your sinus infection has persisted for more than 7-10 days, you're probably looking at a course of antibiotics in order to clear things up.

Frankly, I don't get much traction with sinus infection and usually refer those folks to primary care.