“Can acupuncture release trapped emotions?”
I am a 38 year old female. I want to know if acupuncture can release trapped emotions?
25 Answers
I believe so. Acupuncture with herbs, and sometimes massage, can treat and help relieve anxieties, stress and depression. I suggest you try it.
Yes. If you currently have stress and/or tend to hold stress and tension in certain parts of your body, acupuncture & releasing of muscles can sometimes elicit a physical response as well as emotional. It is normal but be sure to let your acupuncturist know. They can recommend how to work through it, or suggest next steps to take.
I have had patients become very emotional on the table. It's not always the case though, even if you are seeking treatment for depression/anxiety/mental health issues. How patients respond to acupuncture varies greatly among individuals. It also can depend on how frequently you get treatment. Those patients that come regularly, usually weekly and for at least 6-8 sessions will see the best results. As with any type of medicine, there is no guarantee but the more you can do for yourself, such as getting counseling, proper rest, etc, the better results all around with acupuncture. Good luck!!!
It is definitely a conversation that you need to have with your acupuncturist so he or she can better help you in treating your condition. Acupuncture helps with: PTSD, anxiety, depression and more...
Alexandre Hillairet, DAOM.
Alexandre Hillairet, DAOM.
As a specialist in integrative care, absolutely! However, not all practitioners are intuitive or insightful enough to allow this to fully happen.
To your health,
Dr. Jessica Newman
To your health,
Dr. Jessica Newman
Yes, absolutely. Stuck/trapped emotions are one of the 7 root causes of disease. I have a protocol I use for this purpose using electrical stimulation (estm).
Mary Hills, DACM, LAc
Mary Hills, DACM, LAc
Yes. There is a specific type of acupuncture called 5 Element Acupuncture that is specific to emotional issues that works quite well for that.

Mr. Anthony James Lorenzo
Nothing is 100%... but this is an area i have a lot of experience in. For some ready to experience suppressed emotions/emotional trauma, it works amazing and life changing wonders. For others, nothing happens. My patient sample that i have as a reference is almost entirely comprised of people who WANTED to heal from this, so perhaps is not the best objective sample. But aside from MDMA-induced Psychotherapy, Teacher Spirit Plant Medicine (Santo Daime/Ayahuasca), meditation, I have seen nothing else work very well with this. But that's only my understanding.
Yes indeed, acupuncture is the art of moving energy, and emotions are energy - trapped ones are suppressed energy. As energy is moved during the treatment, emotions are often released. That's a very good thing for most of us since we've become experts at stuffing our emotions, much to the detriment of our physical and emotional well being.
Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I find that I'm working with trapped emitions with almost all of my patients. Emotions are powerful and can be trapped within our bodies for many different reasons and in many different ways. Acupuncture works to learn why your emotions are trapped and how that entrapment is affecting your body. As we work, we are able to open up pathways for these emotions to move which allows you to move forward.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) sees the body as a whole and not separated from the emotions. Most of the time, acupuncture treatments help to balance emotions, too. But we are not psychologist nor psychiatrists, so I highly recommend that if a patient has emotional or psychiatric history, he/she should seek help from a professional.
This is a great question and gets into the gray area of Chinese medicine. Unlike conventional medicine, Chinese medicine has no mind-body separation. We consider both to be an integrated, interactive system. Very often health issues can cause adverse emotional states and adverse emotional states can likewise cause health issues.
The short answer to your question is, yes, acupuncture can often be very helpful in assisting a patient to process and release negative emotions which they may be holding. It can sometimes be a tricky process to manage for both the practitioner and the patient. The more information you can provide your practitioner, the better and easier the process will go.
The short answer to your question is, yes, acupuncture can often be very helpful in assisting a patient to process and release negative emotions which they may be holding. It can sometimes be a tricky process to manage for both the practitioner and the patient. The more information you can provide your practitioner, the better and easier the process will go.