Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Can braces cause mouth ulcers?

I wear braces and have mouth ulcers. Can braces cause mouth ulcers?

6 Answers

Yes, braces can absolutely cause mouth ulcers especially if you notice the ulcers adjacent to the hardware. I would recommend speaking with your orthodontist to see what options they're comfortable with to help address the ulcers.
To answer to your question :yes
*Braces cause ulcers by repeatedly rubbing on the mouth tissues for a
period of time*.
Yes especially the first few weeks.  Use the wax that the orthodontist gave you to cover the brackets around the sores and rinse with warm salt water.  If they are diagnosed as canker sores, your doctor can prescribe steroids or anti viral meds to help.
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Braces often cause blisters when the brackets on the teeth rub the inside of the lips and teeth. Ask your orthodontist to recommend something to help. It does get better after 2 weeks
Braces cause ulcers by repeatedly rubbing on the mouth tissues for a period of time. As the braces rub the mouth tissues, the spot becomes raw and irritated. If left untreated, the sore will only get worse and an infection could develop.

Orthodontic wax is a special substance similar to beeswax that you apply to the brackets of your braces. Covering the brackets with this wax prevents them from rubbing and irritating your tissues. Simply warm up the wax in your hands prior to applying it, and use it as you need it. If you don’t have any, ask your orthodontist for some. You can also purchase it online and in stores.

A dry mouth makes your tissues more at risk of developing sores. Preventing this is simple by drinking more water to keep your mouth moist. Drinking water also promotes the production of saliva, which contains natural anti-bacterial components.

If you don’t want to take pain medication, or you want to give your treatment an extra boost, mix a half teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water. Swish the solution in your mouth for at least 30 seconds and rinse. Saltwater can reduce pain and swelling. It also cleans your mouth and kills bacteria that could lead to infection.
The less round edges of the brackets and any sharp wire edges can traumatise the inside of the cheeks and lips, resulting in ulcerated areas.