Optometrist Questions Optometrist

Can corrective lenses cure myopia?

I was diagnosed with myopia. I want to wear corrective lenses. Can corrective lenses cure myopia?

4 Answers

There is a double question here, actually. if the eye is nearsighted, it needs an additional external lens to focus light properly on the retina (glasses or contact lens). With such an appropriate lens in place, the eye is not nearsighted and sees well at far; however this does not correct the natural focusing state of the eye, meaning that with the glasses off for example, the eye is still nearsighted. Young eyes tend to change and have some increasing nearsightedness for some reason. Wearing a prescription does not seem to affect this change for the better. Some research indicates that use of eyes at near at a younger age (computer, cell phone, ipad) can contribute to gradual increasing nearsightedness (as a person gets older) as opposed to outdoor activities and use of the eyes at far, and there is a lot of research ongoing here-
Hello: Glasses, contact lenses, or other corrective lenses cannot cure myopia, except in some limited cases when the myopia is not severe and is caught early..Then in conjunction with atropine eyedrops (to paralyze the focusing muscle) protracted treatment may help. Otherwise only surgery, such as LASIK or Lens implants can eliminate or reduce myopia. Regards, Dr. Roholt
Corrective lenses dont cure myopia.