Optometrist Questions Ophthalmologist

I'm farsighted and have a slight astigmatism - should I wear my glasses all the time?

My prescription is:
Right +0.25 Sphere -0.50 Cyl 088 Axis
Left +0.25 Sphere -0.50 Cyl 098 Axis

I'm 35 years old and have never had glasses before until now. (Not sure I even needed them) Should I wear these glasses all the time or just when reading or looking at things close up?

I'm thinking all the time more so to correct astigmatism, but when I was wearing glasses the first day (I put them on first thing in the morning and wore them all day) it was blurry to see far distances and at the end of the day I was reading some wording on a piece of paper and it was more clear when I removed the glasses than when I had them on. What gives? Do my eyes need time to adjust to the glasses? Is my prescription or frame questionable?

It's sad that my doctor failed to explain any of this and I'm researching on my own.

Male | 35 years old

7 Answers

GREAT question. You have a very small amount of farsightedness in each eye along with the astigmatism. There may be an "adjustment time" where you need to wear the glasses in order to "calm down" and balance the prescription that has been provided to you. The question of how long to keep wearing them at home first then outside is definitely something that your eye doctor should have discussed with you. Were you told to wear them all of the time, as needed like when you are driving, or just for close work or for the computer?
Was this your first eyeglass prescription? There may be a need on your part to return to your eye doctor and to discuss all of your questions in order to be sure that this prescription is perfect. Or there may be a need to recheck and change the prescription if it is not 100% accurate at all times for your personal and professional needs including driving, TV, driving at night, computer use, reading, and recreational needs. Good luck and best wishes.
Your prescription is minimal. If the glasses make it worse, I would return to the prescriber for a recheck.
That is an excellent description and given the information you provided (very thorough), my thought is you are not ready for prescription glasses yet.  The prescription is minimal and my guess is your vision without correction is very good at both distance and near so the (very
small) prescription is probably not worth it at this point.
No. You only have to wear them if you want more clarity at distance or near. Not all the time.
I advise returning to your eye doctor and asking for a glasses re-check if you are seeing blurry. And ask if you should wear these glasses when at the computer which is a common request from my patients to help relieve their eye strain and fatigue  while working at their computer, especially these past 2 1/2 years! Mischelle Gragg, OD Houston Eye Professionals at Baybrook 500 Baybrook Mall Dr, Suite 1084Friendswood, Tx 77546#281-480-9799
Not really, glasses are for being comfortable. If you are comfortable without wearing glasses you don't need to wear them all the time.
You may not need glasses all the time. With very little sphere and cylinder in your glasses you may only need to wear your glasses at night when you drive. The reason that your eyes can read better toward the end of the day is that you are 35 y/o and you may be starting becoming presbyopic but for now you do not need reading glasses yet. I you take off your glasses you will be able to read.