“Can driving cause hip pain?”
I drive a lot and I have hip pain. Can driving cause hip pain?
4 Answers
Driving, or sitting in general, for long hours can cause tightness of the piriformis muscle and lead to discomfort on the outside of the glute. Rolling out the side of your hip with a tennis ball or lacrosse ball can help the muscle relax. Tightness or pain with sitting for long periods of time on the inside of the hip is more often related to the psoas muscle which can be released with massage therapy or the Cobra pose in yoga!
Yes, it certainly can, are you sitting on a wallet or anything else in your back pocket? I have treated a lot of professional drivers in 35 years and had excellent results but it is an ongoing issue. Thanks Dr. Kurt
Yes, the action of sitting can cause pressure on the muscles and if you have a hip issue, the joint can get caught.