Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Can gambling addiction be fixed with therapy?

I have a gambling addiction. Can gambling addiction be fixed with therapy?

12 Answers

No addiction can be "fixed". Addiction (process or substance) is a chronic disease that can be put into remission with treatment and good ongoing care.
Most states have a toll-free number that can point you toward resources to help. No medication is specifically effective or evidence-based for gambling. A therapist experienced in this is your best bet.
People don't realize that process addictions are as hard to treat, or harder than substance dependence. Good for you for recognizing you need help and good luck.
Yes, gambling addiction is no different than other types of addictions let's say like alcohol. Therapy can be a tremendous game changer when it comes to gambling addition. First you must figure why the addition started in the first place then work towards coping mechanisms to battle the addition.
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Thanks for asking such an important question... When it comes to gambling addiction at Hood Meditation we treat it like any other addiction and advise our patients to stay positive and remember that therapy often involves helping individuals make positive lifestyle changes, such as finding alternative leisure activities, building healthy relationships, and improving self-care habits, so finding the right therapist and making the positive lifestyle changes can help you with your gambling addiction. Dr. Inoa
There are specific therapies that can be effective for Gambling addiction- a specific program tailored to this type of addiction would be a better option typically. Melanie Sholtis, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist (240)-210-9003
Yes, therapy will help with gambling addiction.
Addiction is a lifelong battle that we fight daily...groups, sponsors, sobriety/abstinence, any faith practices, money management, network of support for accountability and strength.
No it can’t only you can fix by not gambling
yes therapy such as CBT and Support meetings such as Smart recovery
Yes, mental health professionals can assist individuals that might be struggling with gambling addiction.
Like any addiction Therapy is a aid not a cure. So therapy for a person who deals with gambling addiction can help as long as the individual do the work and show up in the sessions.
Yea but you must see a gambling addition specialist. CASAC-G therapist