Acupuncturist Questions Internist

Can hypertension be fixed with diet changes?

I have hypertension. Can hypertension be fixed with diet changes?

8 Answers

For hypertension I would suggest the modalities of acupuncture, massage and herbs, 2-3 sessions per week for a period of 4-8 weeks (depending on severity) in a row.
Diet changes such as reducing salt, caffeine and alcohol intake can go a long way to helping control BP
Diet is almost everything. It is the ultimate cause of the hypertension, so, to correct that would require improving the diet .
Diet changes and other lifestyle changes are definitely an important part of the treatment for hypertension. Only in the initial or mild cases, such changes are alone enough to control the disease. In advanced stages of hypertension, it is important to treat with blood pressure medications to reduce and prevent the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, heart failure and other various complications in the future. Most often Hypertension doesn't cause any symptoms until it is too late where someone might have this life changing complications. It is advised for anyone to diagnose this condition early on periodic health check up with your primary care physician.
Yes, diet changes can fix hypertension.
Salt is a common cause of high blood pressure. Cutting back on salt intake can go a long way to lower blood pressure and save wear and tear on your kidneys.
yes, and weight management
The problem with primary hypertension is: no one knows what causes it. Since we don't know the cause, it's hard to say whether or not it can be treated with dietary change or what kind of dietary change might be necessary.

You could try eating magnesium rich foods or adding a magnesium supplement to see if that brings your blood pressure down enough.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture have a pretty good track record with hypertension. In the Chinese system, there are multiple different potential causes so you'd need to see someone who understands that and knows how to differentiate the diagnosis to get you the most effective treatment. In other words, a chiropractor or a physical therapist are likely not going to be much help. You need someone who attended and graduated from a school of Chinese medicine and is licensed as an acupuncturist.