Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncture

Can insomnia be treated with acupuncture?

I have a huge sleep problem, and my friend told that me that acupuncture that will help me with it. Is this true? I was thinking about asking my doctor if I should take medication for it instead, but if I could do this instead that would be great.

33 Answers

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Yes. Regular treatments are needed. Good lifestyle needs to be set up.
Yes, insomnia and many, many conditions respond great to acupuncture. Usually insomnia falls into a category of symptoms that require nutrition/herbs to repair fully, but acupuncture can help. Obviously, nothing is guaranteed to work 100% of the time, but I have found this medicine to work very well. Don't give up if you try someone in my field and they don't help... we aren't all created equally. Make sure you start with a fully trained acupuncturist (not an MD or Chiropractor that did minimal hours of training to get a license).
Yes. Acupuncture can help in treating your sleep problems, but acupuncture is not medication.

Dr. Hui (Grace) Gao LAc., TCMD
Yes, Acupuncture or acupuncture and herbs can be useful in the treatment of insomnia. The only side-effect would be sleep.
Yes! Acupuncture will help regulate your body's natural rhythms so proper healing can occur during rest. If we all slept better (or more), our bodies would experience less illness and stress.
If you want to cure insomnia, you need to know the cause first. There are various causes, but the most representative ones are lack of blood in the heart and liver. If these two organ lack blood, they can not sleep deeply. If they do not sleep deeply, they can not rest and they get tired during the day.
By helping them to communicate well with acupuncture their organs, they can sleep well.
Did you know that 7 out 10 people suffer from some form of insomnia.. consistently?! It is more common than you think. A normal sleep pattern is waking 1 or less times a night and not waking to use the bathroom. Your sleep issue is a symptom of something else going on in your life. Some people have a hard time falling asleep, others fall asleep okay, but have a hard time staying asleep. Pain and stress are the #1 and #2 reasons for insomnia. Eating late, lack of exercise, and worry are some others. Acupuncture is effective for insomnia. Many of my patients say that after their treatment, they have the best sleep they have had in a long time. Western medications usually lose their effectiveness over time and eventually you will have to increase or change your dosage. Chinese herbal medicines and other alternative therapies are as effective to western medicine and there are usually no side effects. Most Chinese herbs are also safe for children who suffer from sleep issues.
Yes, it can. I see a lot of people with sleep disturbances in my practice. There are many causes and Chinese Medicine's individualized approach will help with what is specifically causing yours. A practitioner may also prescribe herbs and some dietary or lifestyle changes to get you back to sleeping well. You'll be surprised how many other symptoms will resolve once you're getting deep, satisfying sleep.

This is a very great question. Acupuncture does treat sleep problems. I will suggest trying acupuncture first. Some sleep problems are different. Some are due to stress, or imbalance of your nerve systems, or lack of melatonin, etc. Through different diagnosis, acupuncture can help you get better.

Jonathan Fang
You will sleep better after acupuncture.
Acupuncture is very helpful in treating insomnia along with Chinese Herbs!!

Yes, acupuncture can often help with insomnia, if that's the problem with sleep to which you are referring. Also, there are herbs than can be taken in place of pharmaceuticals or over-the-counter drugs. I would strongly encourage you to find an acupuncturist in your area and get a series of treatments (one is rarely enough).

Hope this helps!
Acupuncture definitely can help relieve insomnia, as can herbs.
Good luck!
Yes, try it.

Yes, acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be very beneficial for insomnia. I highly encourage you to try it before resorting to drugs. Good luck!
Yes, acupuncture can help insomnia by regulating the nervous system and stress relief.


Dr. Pai Hsiang Peng, L.Ac.
Yes, there have been many research studies conducted on the insomnia point, An Mian, and it's shown great results. Acupuncture also increases serotonin and dopamine levels in the body, so it aids in feeling more relaxed and happier in general. It's one of the conditions that acupuncture helps best.
Yes, acupuncture and herbs can treat insomnia. There are a couple different kinds of insomnia. Some people cannot fall asleep while others consistently wake up in the middle of the night around 3 am. So, after discerning which type of insomnia you suffer from, your acupuncturist will treat you for the underlying imbalance. If you are the type of person that cannot fall asleep, perhaps there is too much energy in your body from your diet and exercise. If you wake in the middle of the night, perhaps your liver is working too hard to cleanse your blood and hence generating heat, which disturbs your mind. Avoid sleeping medications because the long-term effects are worse than the long-term effects of insomnia.

John Holt, DiplOM LAc
Generally speaking, acupuncture can help sleeping problems. Sometimes one may need to combine acupuncture and herbs.
We definitely provide acupuncture to patients who are experiencing insomnia. Patients usually respond very well to the treatment and slowly they are able to return to a normal sleep pattern.

Alexandre Hillairet, DAOM.
Yes, in answer to your question, acupuncture works well for insomnia. The reason for loss of sleep varies. Insomnia comes in many forms including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, and falling back to sleep once you are up. I am not sure what your pattern is, however, acupuncture can help to balance your sleep cycle naturally. Find a licensed acupuncture physician in your area and get some sleep.

Yours in health!
Yes, acupuncture can definitely help.
Most people that use medications for insomnia end up being dependent on their meds. Plus they endure the side effects. Acupuncture is a natural way for rebalancing the nervous system to enhance sleep.
One of the first things patients tell me after their first treatment is that their sleep is better and mental clarity is improved. I would strongly suggest that you try acupuncture before medication. It can be difficult getting off of sleep medications and there are often many side-effects.
Yes, it is true that acupuncture will help with insomnia. Please remember that, whenever possible, prescription drugs should always be considered as a last resort!
Acupuncture can definitely help, but you may not feel immediate results. There are over-the-counter supplements, essential oils, and other non-pharmaceutical interventions that can be used while the acupuncture works.
Definitely go for acupuncture treatment first. Might be more effective than meds.
My very first acupuncture treatment was actually for insomnia and it worked like a charm. It may take you a few treatments depending on what the differential diagnosis is, but most people become extremely relaxed after a first treatment and many of my patients even fall asleep on the table during treatment.

Give it a try and don't give up if it doesn't work right away. Also, it could be ok to start taking meds if the treatments don't work right away and eventually you can be weened off of them. I'm not saying to start taking meds now, but keep them as an option or compliment to the treatments.
Acupuncture usually outperforms prescription sleep meds in terms of length and quality of sleep. Another benefit is you won't experience that "druggy" feeling in the morning some sleep aids can induce.

For the best results, make sure you're seeing a board certified and state licensed acupuncturist.
Acupuncture is great for insomnia, anxiousness, stress, worrying. Highly recommend. Thanks
Both acupuncture and Chinese herbs have shown great results for improving sleep. They are very effective in calming the nervous system, reducing pain, balancing hormones. Especially effective are the acupoints on the ears as they can help to balance neurotransmitters important for sleep. Give it a try!