Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can massage fix hip pain?

I have hip pain. Can massage fix hip pain?

3 Answers

It all depends on the cause, but generally yes. Massage therapy can be a beneficial treatment for managing hip pain caused by arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions. While massage may not "fix" the underlying cause of hip pain, it can help alleviate discomfort and improve mobility through various mechanisms like improved blood flow and flexibility.
It can manage pain
A massage alone will not fix hip pain in most patients. Hip pain can be rather complex and multi-factorial. It depends on where you feel pain, when, and how much pain you have. Patients can sometimes present with hip pain secondary to other diagnoses, and imaging may be warranted. A full musculoskeletal assessment may uncover some issues contributing to the pain due to imbalances. Massage paired with proper corrective exercises and other treatment modalities, such as dry needling, is a possible treatment option, but this is case specific. Two people with similar pain may respond differently to the same treatment.