“Can metabolic problems cause weight gain?”
I started to gain weight for no reason lately. Can metabolic problems cause weight gain?
1 Answer
Some research has linked metabolic problems being associated with weight gain. When it comes to weight gain and metabolic issues, one problem we encounter is that the research isn't clear yet which comes first, weight gain or metabolic issues. There is a high incidence of those with metabolic issues being overweight or obese, but it can be difficult to say if the weight caused the metabolic issues or if the metabolic issues made weight gain more likely. Either way, it's important to work on both issues since they definitely influence each other even if we don't yet know for certain which comes first in most people. We see that weight loss can be a powerful tool to help change our lab work showing a metabolic dysfunction. This is the reason so many health professionals focus on weight. Often just loosing 10-15% of your weight can result in improvements in metabolic function and so it's not always necessary to get to the normal weight BMI in order to see improvements in metabolic function.