Nutritionist Questions Nutritionist

Why do I feel so awful after binge eating?

I am a 39 year old male. I want to know why do I feel so awful after binge eating? Both physically and mentally.

3 Answers

Binge eating is a condition and an addiction. We feel awful because we failed ourselves but just couldn't stop. Sometimes our itch to binge eat is like being rolled in poison ivy and be told not to scratch. Find a good bariatrician through and they can really help you get your life back.
Thank you for your question. Binge eating can cause indigestion and tax your digestive system. I suggest you spread out your meals and eat in smaller portions. This will prevent you from getting hungry and binge eat. I suggest eating 5 small meals per day. Make sure to incorporate protein and fiber in each meal for greater satiation.
Feeling awful after the binge eating episode is the cardinal symptom of binge eating disorder. It just confirms that you may have binge eating disorder if you have a couple of other symptoms of the eating disorder in the absence of compensatory behavior, like purging after eating. You should consider seeing a professional to get diagnosed properly and get treated, as it is a treatable illness.