Community/Behavioral Health Questions Psychologist

Can obesity be reversed?

My daughter is obese. Can obesity be reversed?

5 Answers

Hello - - Absolutely it can. Please note it's best to start with a D.O. who will send your daughter for blood work. Once those results return, start looking into what needs to be worked on and what specific specialist will provide help to her, on her grounds. Always start with blood work. That will tell you a laundry list if possible issues that need attention and/or have caused the gain in weight.

If at all possible, once you begin this journey, and the results are provided from blood work panels, make proper life change diet decisions based off the blood work. No one ever is on a diet. It's a lifestyle change, forever. While there are a lot if options, her body and her blood work will state what is best. For example, if she's pre diabetic or is diagnosed instantly from the blood work, a Keto based diet will be best alongside a slow but dedicated work out regimen. It all depends on what is best for her. The damage possibly caused by being obese is real and that's going to have to be your main focus.
Yes, please see a medical doctor (your family medicine or primary care doctor for your daughter) should be able to help your daughter be healthier.
Much of this is dependent on the cause of her obesity. If she has genetics that predict a struggle with weight, then that can't change. It also depends on her age as 20% of the number of fat cells that are developed in girls will occur during puberty years. These biological markers will make it difficult, but a recipe can be produced to assist in the process. In a practical sense, the cause of obesity (outside of healthy eating and activity) can't be reversed, but she dramatically decrease her percent body fat and have a chance to maintain it. In most cases, it requires the assistance of a physician who specializes in obesity to help formulate a plan/program/medication to help the body respond to healthy eating (more protein and less carbs). Once she is down, it may require a long-term usage of the plan/program/medication to get the "reverse in obesity" so to speak. To find a bariatric physician in your area, I suggest going to:

I have helped thousands with a plan/program and medication (when indicated) to decrease their percent body fat and become the person they were destined to become. I am confident that your daughter will succeed.
Obesity is a health condition that can also have an psychological emotional that is an underlying condition that manifests through eating. Have your daughter start counseling and make sure nothing is underneath the unhealthy eating beahvior.
Obesity can absolutely be reversed through proper diet and exercise. Sometimes we have a mental health component to our weight struggles though and those should always be handled in addition to the better diet and excercise routine. It would also be helpful to see a medical doctor to rule out any specific causes of the obesity (e.g., thyroid issues, blood sugar issues, etc.,).