“Can plastic surgery remove a birthmark?”
I have a birth mark just above my eyebrows. I absolutely hate it, since it's so ugly--it doesn't look like it belongs. Can plastic surgery help in removing this birthmark?
16 Answers
Most plastic and facial surgeons are well trained to remove birthmarks from your face. They can place incisions to remove the birth mark in such ways to create the most natural look with minimal scar. Please be sure to consult with a plastic and/or facial plastic surgeon prior to having your procedure done.
There are a few things to consider as to whether the birthmark can be removed successfully without too much scarring. The size, shape and depth would all be factors.
Yes, your birthmark can be removed by various modalities. Depending on what this lesion is, how large, and its position. Most birthmarks, if removed, should be completely excised. If there is a malignancy potential, then the defect should be closed so that visible scar is minimal. See a plastic surgeon for best results.
Yes. There are a variety of treatments available. If the birthmark has changed in size, shape, and color, your insurance may cover removal! Go see your plastic surgeon and discuss treatment!
Corrective surgery can help, but, depending on the nature of the birth mark, there may be other non-surgical methods, such as pigment correction and others.
Yes, the birthmark can be removed. There will be a scar in its place. The size and location of the scar will depend on the size and location of the birthmark. Please keep in mind that scars are permanent. They can be hidden and optimized, but they are there in some capacity forever.
Christopher JM Brooks, MD FACS
Christopher JM Brooks, MD FACS
Birthmarks are referred to medically as Nevus of Ota. They are aggregates of melanocytes and melanin in the dermis of skin. Although excision via surgery can completely remove the lesion, typically, it will leave an incisional scar. Lasers and IPLs can more effectively treat such pigment lesions of birth without scarring.
Dr. Lin
Dr. Lin
Cynthia Wolfensberger
Plastic Surgeon
Yes. Depending on the size and nature of that birth mark your plastic surgeon will suggest a treatment.
Usually, yes, it can help. The size, location, depth and cell type all go into the evaluation of how much improvement can be achieved. In some cases, there may be a scar and in other cases none, depending on what you have. Your Plastic Surgeon should be able to advise you the risk of scaring.
Lasers used by plastic surgeons have made it possible to remove/erase birthmarks of all types without actually cutting them out. If the birthmark is red or purple (often called Port wine stain), a vascular pumped dye laser such as Candela VBeam Perfecta is used to target Hemoglobin in the birthmark and vaporize it! If the birthmark is brown or black like a Cafe au lait spot or a nevus of Ota, then an Alexandrite laser such as Candela GentleLase or Candela Alex TriVantage is used to target Melanin in the birthmark and vaporize it.
A board certified plastic surgeon is able to help you with removal of a birth mark. I advise that you find a board certified surgeon in your area and schedule a consultation.
There are many ways to treat a birthmark but all will leave some form of alternative blemish. You have to view treatment as a trade and this may or may not be worth it to you. Consult with a Board Certified plastic surgeon to get an honest opinion as to what you could reasonably expect and go from there.