Sports Medicine Specialist Questions Sports Medicine Specialist

Can shin splints cause scar tissue build up and how would you get rid of that scar tissue?

I am a runner who has suffered from shin splints for many years and ran through them a lot. I get them from basically running only a few km a week (I don't overstride either). I'm wondering if my shin splints are caused by a build-up of scar tissue in the area. If this is possible, how would I go about getting this back to normal?

Male | 27 years old
Complaint duration: Years
Medications: None
Conditions: None

4 Answers

Shin splints have many different causes that feel the same. Most do not involve scar tissue. To treat, the underlying problem must be determined.
I would see a physical therapist. It can be quite helpful. You also should we check to make sure you don’t have a stress fracture.
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How long have you been running; what is your usual weekly mileage? Are you a heel striker or more mid-foot runner? What kind of shoes do you run in? You see, there are a lot of factors, but I am not convinced that you have real “shin splints.” It’s an inflammatory process brought on by too much pounding in a short amount of time. Lots of other factors too. There is no “scar tissue” - that’s a healing layer of fibrous tissue that follows a high-energy trauma. Need more info!!
What kind of warm-up?
How many miles per session?
How long been running?
Are you training for an event?
How about post run stretching?
Tried any ice packs after the run?
Any anti inflammatory meds?

Dr. Mudano
Good morning. Shin splints are not a result of scar tissue build up but rather due to chronic inflammation. This can be a result of mechanical issues such as limb alignment, arch geometry l, CORE strength to name a few. It can also result from external cause such as shoe type, type of ground, training errors etc. The bottom line is the cause may be simple or complex. This is best treated by going yo a physician who has a special interest in runners and is willing to work with you on finding the cause. This may take time, trial and error until the cause is found. Good luck.