Urologist Questions Urologist

Can urinary retention cause chronic fatigue?

I am a 42 year old female. I've had extreme fatigue for 3 years and have been unable to find a cause after many blood tests. I've noticed for over a year now that I have to urinate a lot. Now in the last 2 weeks when I first wake up in the morning it's really hard to go. I have to strain to go. I will have this investigated by my doctor, but I just wondered if this problem could be related to fatigue? Thank you.

Female | 42 years old

2 Answers

You give a history of fatigue of 3 years. Your urinary symptoms only for 2 weeks, so no relation between your both. If your urinary symptoms persist, then you need to see a Urologist evaluate and investigate your symptoms.
Probably not. You need to have a post void residual in to see if you truly are retaining. If you are going frequently at night, that might be the cause of your fatigue because you’re not getting enough sleep. They may need to address why you’re going so frequently.

Dr. Niko Lailas