“Can you do bone graft and implant at the same time?”
I want to replace my missing tooth. Can you do a bone graft and implant at the same time?
9 Answers
Many times you can do an immediate implant but it really depends on many factors. One of the major factors is how much bone is left after the extraction. Please contact us directly for more info. Be well. 212-962-7565
Bone grafts are often done at the same time as implant placement, but there are also times when there is a larger defect in the bone that requires a separate bone grafting (ridge augmentation) procedure that needs to heal prior to placing an implant. You will have to discuss this directly with the dentist who will be helping with your particular situation.
I am not sure. This is an area I don't do. The best person to answer that would be someone who actually places the implant. There are a number of factors that would enter into that including whether or not your bone is "good enough" to support an implant, your medical history - what medications you take, if you have a chronic illness, ie diabetes, that affects your ability to heal, if you smoke.
The short answer is yes but its more complicated than that. Bone grafts should be done at the time of extraction however when I place an implant, I sometimes place bone graft is some areas to give my implant extra support if there is a pocket of bone that needs to be filled.
Yes, you can in many instances but this decision is best made by the treating doctor as there are many variables that need to be taken into account