Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

Can you get a bunion by your pinky toe?

I am a 39 year old male. I want to know if you can get a bunion by your pinky toe?

6 Answers

Yes, you can get a bunion on the fifth toe. It’s called a tailor’s bunion or a bunionette. I guess someone a long time ago saw these on tailors who sat cross-legged, on the floor to do their work. Maybe it put pressure on the fifth toe, resulting in the characteristic little bunion. It’s more likely due to an anatomical variation, and not your job description!
Yes. It is called a bunionette. Get a Dr Schol's pad and stick it on the painful area to put a cushion between the shoe and the skin. Also, get shoes that are wider so your little toe won't rub on the shoe.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
Yes you can develop a bunion called a “Tailors” bunion on the small toe. Historically this occurred because of the long periods a Tailor sat with leg crossed and pressure on this area. You can also develop after trauma. Make sure shoes are not too tight and watch how you sit. Good luck.
Yes, it is called a bunionette.

Christopher B Michelsen, MD, FAOA, FAAOS, FACS
Yes, the same malalignment that occurs in the first toe can occur in the fifth toe (bunionette deformity).
Yes, it's called a baby bunion