Gastroenterologist Questions Surgery

Can you live a normal life after gallbladder removal?

I will have gallbladder removal. Can you live a normal life after gallbladder removal?

5 Answers

Simple answer yes as gallbladder is not a vital organ. Vast majority after the recovery periods of about 6-8 weeks will lead "normal" lives. Small percentage will have some mild GI symptoms especially with fatty foods but this is not life altering. A very small percentage will still produce bile stones which may cause problems, some serious such as cholangitis or pancreatitis.
Yes, consult Functional medicine and obesity medicine if overweight.
Yes. 600,000 people in America per year get this surgery and can attest to living normally afterwards.
Absolutely! I don't give any dietary restrictions to my patients after gallbladder surgery - they will find out themselves if they will develop some degree of food intolerance.