Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Can you make your jawline more defined?

I am a 29 year old female. I want to know if you can make my jawline more defined?

10 Answers

Yes, the jawline can be more defined either surgically or non-surgically. A strong jawline adds definition to your facial contour, balances other facial features, and commands attention. If you believe that a more prominent jawline could enhance your appearance, or if your jawline appears weak due to injury or a congenital deficiency, then jaw implants can provide harmony and frame your face. Additionally, aesthetic products like Sculptra or an injectable in the Juvederm family of fillers like Vollure, Voluma, or Ultra Plus can be used for a liquid enhancement.
There are several options for improving jawline definition. This can include removing fat below the mandible or added volume over the body of the mandible with filler, fat, or an implant.
Hello, yes of course. There are a few methods including liposuction, and non invasive procedures. The latest is called FaceTite. You can go on my website site and check it out, It’s a minimally invasive laser that tightens, the jaw line.
YES, there are several ways to sharpen jawline definition. The most common and straightforward permanent solutions for young women are liposuction below (and possibly above) jawline and a carefully chosen extended anatomic chin implant placed along the jawline.
There are many ways to refine the shape of your jawline. In most patients this is as simple as expertly placing fillers along the jawline to improve its appearance. However, in some cases we need to place special jaw and chin implants over the bone to achieve the desired results. In some patients we need to perform a facelift or a neck lift to improve the jawline.
Yes, jawline contouring is offered in our practice. There are various techniques to define the jawline and often it can be done as a quick, in-office procedure with FDA approved fillers.

A consultation can provide detailed information to help set realistic expectations and achieve the best possible result in your specific case.
In someone as young as you, I find that the nicest way to give one a defined jaw line and take away the fat from the area below your chin is with liposuction. I have another procedure that uses thermal tightening technology combined with liposuction that not only takes the fat away and gives one a nice jaw line but also tightens the skin.
The answer in most cases is a YES. Depending on what is ”missing“ and how you’d like to look, we have many procedures available. The simplest is injecting fillers or your own fat, also placing implants.
Yes, there are a few different techniques that we can utilize to define your jawline. This includes everything from fillers to fat, to surgery.
Yes you can define your jaw more by using injectable fillers or with implants. Depending on the patient liposuction may help define the jaw line.