Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

What should you avoid before rhinoplasty?

I will have a rhinoplasty next week. What should you avoid before rhinoplasty?

5 Answers

The first thing you need to avoid are blood thinners
Then avoid any sun exposure and exfoliating creams
Honestly, live your life. Certainly avoid any trauma to the face. Also if you end up with a head cold you will want to notify your surgeon.

Leland Webb
In our practice we have patients avoid any aspirin or ibuprofen containing products for 7-10 days prior to surgery. These are common non-prescription medications used to treat headaches. These medications may have an effect on your body’s ability to clot during surgery and may make bruising or bleeding more likely to occur post-surgery. We also have patients avoid any allergy or cold and sinus medications that contain pseudoephedrine. This medication can elevate your blood pressure and can cause a rebound congestion to the nasal mucosa in the post-operative period. I hope this information is helpful to you.
Rhinoplasty is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures, but it's also one of the scariest for some patients. Some people are afraid of having their noses "broken" during the surgery, and some are concerned with having breathing problems during the first few days, when they may have splints or packing inside their noses. Here are a few things to avoid before a rhinoplasty so that your recovery is as smooth as possible!
1. Do not Drink Alcohol during the week before your procedure. Just don't do it. Alcohol will dehydrate you, lower your immune system, and generally impair your recovery.
2. Do not Smoke Cigarettes during the week before your procedure or during your recovery.
3. Do not take Aspirin, ibuprofen, or other blood-thinning medications.
4. Stop using topical creams on your face at least 4 days before your procedure.
5. Avoid prolonged sun exposure before and after your procedure.
6. Do not Eat or Drink anything after midnight the night before your procedure.
7. Don't let anxiety get you down. Many people feel nervous before surgery like Rhinoplasty, and that's absolutely normal. But don't let normal nervousness turn into anxiety.
Avoid any blood thinning ingestibles like aspirin, Aleve, herbal supplements, or anything not a prescription.