“Can you straighten teeth with receding gums?”
I have receding gums and want to straighten my teeth. Can you straighten teeth with receding gums?
9 Answers
Please discuss with your Dentist or orthodontist regarding your concerns. Gum recession can be a result of so many different reasons. It is usually not a contraindication, but might need some modifications. Good luck!
Yes we can but we have to do a full comprehensive examination to evaluate your periodontal health . Cases with severe periodontal disease we usually don’t do orthodontic treatment for them .
Orthodontics should never be starting without a complete periodontal evaluation and treatment plan. Straightening teeth can in some cases be completed with receding gums, but not with untreated periodontal bone loss. This is simply because orthodontics can initially accelerate that bone loss. Worse yet if the bone attachment to the tooth is not healthy or strong enough it’s actually possible to push the tooth right out of the sockets. This in turn can lead to permanent mobility and finally permanent tooth loss.
Respectfully Yours,
Dr Wayne
Respectfully Yours,
Dr Wayne
Yes. But it all depends on amount of recession and mobility of teeth. Your dentist or orthodontists will be the final judge
That is actually a good question for an orthodontist. I would assume it depends on why your gums are receding. Are you simply scrubbing too hard with your toothbrush? Is your bite off? Or are they receding because you have gum disease and your bone underneath is disappearing? If that's the case, you need to address that problem first.
You can straighten teeth with receding gums. The cause of your recession may be periodontal disease, which you will want to treat prior to starting any orthodontic treatment. If your recession is from clenching/grinding your teeth at night or past periodontal disease you are typically safe to start Invisalign or traditional braces but your dentist will tell you if there are any problems that need to be addressed first. Doing at home clear aligners with active periodontal disease can lead to mobility and even tooth loss, a dentist or orthodontist will monitor your teeth closely throughout treatment to prevent this from happening.
Most often yes, unless the recession has progressed so far there isn't enough bone left. "Straight" teeth optimally load the bone so that it is less likely to go away.
Yes, you can straighten teeth with receding gums. In some cases, moving teeth into more ideal positions can undo gum recession. However, in many cases moving teeth for the purpose of alignment will increase gum recession so you have to be very careful.
Generally, any Orthodontist's informed consent contract will make you aware of the risk of post-orthodontic gum recession and you'll have to sign off on accepting this risk before they initiate treatment.
You do have the option to carry out post-orthodontic gum grafting to help limit/reduce recession, but these treatments can be very costly at around $1,000 per tooth.
Generally, any Orthodontist's informed consent contract will make you aware of the risk of post-orthodontic gum recession and you'll have to sign off on accepting this risk before they initiate treatment.
You do have the option to carry out post-orthodontic gum grafting to help limit/reduce recession, but these treatments can be very costly at around $1,000 per tooth.