Veterinarian Questions Veterinarian

Cat bite?

I work at an animal shelter and was recently bitten very hard by an agitated cat on my wrist. I had a TB shot earlier this year and we don't allow pets to stay here if They have rabies. Still, it was a pretty vicious bite and my wrist is feeling pretty sore. I’ve already thoroughly washed the bite. Should I get my wrist checked out or just continue to monitor it?

Male | 29 years old

8 Answers

Cat bites are expected to be deep, and typically an X-ray along with prophylactic antibiotics are indicated - following the bite. At this juncture, a true infection needs to be excluded. My recommendation is to go to an UC or ER for imaging and antibiotics. Best of luck.

Jarelys M. Hernandez, MD
please go to an urgent care/immediate care clinic as soon as possible.
Cat bites are often quite deep and antibiotics are often strongly recommended. Wounds can implode over night.
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The picture appears to show multiple puncture sites without spreading redness. However a disproportionate number of cat bites do get infected compared to say a dog bite. Therefore I would suggest having this looked at by an experienced clinician especially if you have any medical condition that can compromise or alter your immune system.
Yes get it checked and start antibiotics before infection starts

G dickinson
You should see a doctor immediately. You need to receive preventative antibiotic treatment, probably with Augmentin.
Thanks for the question. Yes, get it checked out. There are bacteria that might have been introduced. Also, you want to be sure the cat is quarantined to be observed or checked for rabies. I presume you meant a TD vaccine.
Cat bites can be very nasty and often can have severe infections, especially in the hands - definitely see a physician in an urgent care unit. Did the cat have all the recommended vaccines including the rabies vaccines?