Infectious Disease Specialist | Infectious Disease Questions COVID-19 Booster Vaccine

Vaccine booster?

I have had my vaccines one in February and one in March, I have had Covid twice since I had vaccines, also had monoclonal infusion. Should I take a booster?


3 Answers

COVID is a virus and since it is a virus, and the virus change their generic code frequently, the yearly vaccine, as the flu and other viral diseases is good to take the booster. Now, that doesn’t mean that you are not going to get COVID again, it means that you are better protected. It is up to you to take. I would recommend taking it if you are an immune compromised patient. In that cases it would give you an additional protection. Now, I learned long time ago that the best way to protect yourself is frequent hand washing, mask, anywhere you go, and personal hygiene. Thank you.
Thanks for the question.
You should definitely get the booster. Please also ask your doctor if it is possible you have immune suppression, and should have your general immunity tested along with a good physical exam.

Yes, I would recommend that you do so.