Neurologist Questions Doctor

Chronic pain deep in the gluteals, lower back, and feet?

Chronic pain deep in the gluteals 6 years after ski fall (2018) on my lower back and buttocks. Almost immediately it felt like someone shoved softballs down each butt cheek and lower back. I have had multiple procedures (L5-S1 fusion in 2017, drugs, (Tramadol, Diazepam, Gabapentin), spinal cord stimulators, and Medtronics unit in 2018; Nevro replaced that this past March, etc. Some relief for about 3 years, then the pain returned in March 2021. Sitting feels like I am sitting on 2 hockey pucks. Since the return from debilitating pain, I have seen 3 pain specialists (corticosteroid injections (have had many of these; none have ever worked). Oh, can't forget nerve ablations. No help. I was tested for RA, Lymes, and I can't even remember what else. The last MRI showed stable fusion and SCS paddle. My blood pressure is good. All meds are in the normal range except a few borderline. No one seems to be addressing the issue of the "Hockey pucks" deep in my glutes when sitting. Cycling and walking also aggravate the glutes, back of thighs, and feet, especially the right side. There doesn't seem to be any doc who can pinpoint and address the problems. I can't believe that I am the only person in the world who has experienced this problem.

Male | 74 years old
Complaint duration: 25/4/6
Medications: Tramadol, Diazepam, Gabapentin, Diclofenac K, D3, Zinc. Fish oil, Multivitamin
Conditions: Lower back pain, sciatica, deep gluteal pain, ankle/foot pain

3 Answers

There is a wide array of treatments and modalities. I will be happy to discuss them in an office visit. I am sorry to hear that but you aren’t the only one with this kind of problem.
You may benefit from a parabolic stretching program to work on nerve flexibility and fascia flexibility as well as looking at pelvic floor PT
Pain can only (almost always) come from muscle/fascia strain, totally unrelated to spine, joint or nerve. You strained many individual sites in low back, pelvis, thigh, leg and foot. The strained tissues are jammed up causing pain, tightness, weakness, limited mobility and gait deviations. Those mechanically strained tissues are like tangled hair and must be untangled mechanically to recover, otherwise the injuries stay permanently unresolved. Any treatment that does not mechanically release the jammed-up tissues are deemed to be ineffective. All the treatments you have received are not only wrong/ineffective but also come with so much side-effect and bad consequences. Those strained tissues can not be released externally by medication, surgery, manipulation, massage, stretching, strengthening or other means but can only be released by the body itself initiated by light touch and hold. New and old injuries can all be resolved after sufficient treatment. This is detailed in my book "NO MORE PAIN  All Pain Considered - A Breakthrough". Please visit website: