OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Could I be pregnant?

I am spotting only during intercourse I had my period on December 3. I had intercourse on December 10 and 16/17. Could I be pregnant?

Female | 39 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks
Medications: None
Conditions: None

2 Answers

Hello. Spotting is common in early pregnancy especially during implantation. However, spotting could be a result of a number of other things. Without knowing the day you ovulated and thereby the timeframe for implantation, we could not even begin to conclude that the spotting was due to pregnancy. I recommend that you wait until at least several days before your next menstrual cycle is expected and take an early detection home pregnancy test. Then schedule an appointment with your OBGYN or primary care physician.
Thanks for reaching out.
Certainly per your given, fist day of your menses puts you at your 14th day of your cycle on the 16th , 17th of Dec. That puts you at a mid cycle where you could ovulate. Having intercourse on these 2 dates makes you possible to be impregnated.
Is it possible you could be pregnant? Yes
Is it likely you could be pregnant? Yes
So from December last year till now you should already know your pregnant by now.
If not perform a home pregnancy test or contact your physician/ gyn immediately.
I hpe thi swas helpful
Reach me at pineridgeobgyn.com in any way I may be of further assistance.
Dr. Brown Brantuoh