Oncologist Questions Oncologist

Covid or cancer?

I am a 29 year old woman. I have been experiencing pains in my head (dull and rarely sharp) and limpness in my arms on and off for the past 2 months. I also experience sharp pains in my legs dull pains throughout my abdomen as well as what seems like an ear infection, with a slight dizziness. This all happened after I got covid 19 positive which was right after I took the second dose of the covid 19 Pfizer vaccine. Before I got the vaccine I was experiencing a great deal of fatigue and constant deja vu. I also had random flu-like symptoms that would come and go, which were going on for roughly 5 months. I'm not taking any treatment. I've been to the er twice but they said my vitals were normal. Unfortunately, I don't have official medical history but I've had migraines all my life and have always been low energy as well as poor appetite.

Female | 29 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months

2 Answers

I think your symptoms should be fully explored and evaluated by either
1) a General Internal Medicine doctor
2) a well trained Family Physician
This is not the sort of problem that can be solved by the emergency room. I would go to the Internal Medicine doctor and begin getting evaluated properly. You may need some blood tests and follow up. The ER will pretty much just try to figure out if you are getting ready to die today, and if you aren't, they will just send you back to the primary care doctor. With your many symptoms, you may end up needing a referral to a specialist. But start with primary care. When you say flu-like symptoms and fatigue that started BEFORE you got covid, I am thinking first of something like "Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome." (CFIDS). Then if you got covid on top of that, you could be feeling worse. Vertigo is common after viral infections, too. But this is totally impossible to diagnose without the proper evaluation, so I definitely think you need to see your PCP. Good luck.