Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

Cyst on scalp?

I have a small bump (which I think is a cyst) on my scalp. I noticed a few days ago that my hair was damp in that location and it was leaking a clear fluid. It doesn’t hurt (although gets sore if I mess with it) but when I touch it, it makes an audible squeaking sound. Should I go see a doctor or will it heal on its own?

Female | 60 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Wellbutrin, Concerta 35 mg, Lostran
Conditions: High blood pressure controlled with medication. Depression. Bunion surgery 8 weeks ago.

2 Answers

Too many variables (size, duration, growth, among others) are missing to make a determination about what you have. Longer duration, faster growth, pain, and bleeding are signs warranting a medical evaluation.

Scalp cysts are very common and usually not serious. If yours is draining or squeaking, you may desire to have it removed. This can be easily accomplished in a dermatologist's office. 

Stephen Schleicher, MD