Ophthalmology | Retina Specialist Questions Ophthalmologist

Detached retina?

About 3 days ago I suddenly experienced a floater in my left eye accompanied by flashing light. Is this a detached retina? Emergency?

Male | 60 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Metformin, Nexium, Lipitor
Conditions: Floated and flashing lights in left eye

6 Answers

Someone should examine your retina.
You need a dilated retinal exam to rule out a retinal tear
Not necessary. However get your eyes checked. Those are possible symptoms of posterior vitreous detachment.
You have to get your eyes examined with dilated fundus exam and fundus photos and OCT
I would recommend visiting your eye care professional so that he/she can perform a dilated fundus exam to check to see if you have a tear or possibly detached retina in your left eye. Are the flashes of light constant? Are you experiencing an increase in the number of floaters? Do you see a black curtain of vision where the bottom part of your vision is dark when you cover your right eye? Also, is your diabetes under control? Uncontrolled diabetes can cause bleeding in the back of the eye (retina), which can lead to black spots in your vision. Again, please visit your eye care professional immediately to get the proper evaluation and possible treatment if needed.
Seek out an ophthalmologist who specializes in Retinal disorders and indicate your NEW FINDINGS. If you have the history of a blow to the head or eye, mention that too. You should be seen right away as these might be the early symptoms of a retinal tear or detachment. Time is of the essence in these cases. Repair is much easier and less dangerous or costly if performed earlier.

Roger Ohanesian, MD