Podiatrist Questions Podiatrist

Do I need to get my toe checked out?

I was running and fell and my toenail broke and now my toe looks all purple and black and green. It hurts to even step on and I'm not sure what to do.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Medications: no
Conditions: no

5 Answers

yes, looking at your picture, please consult with a local podiatrist for options of treatment, like onyfix or keryflex, etc...

It's best to be evaluated by a specialist

Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD, FAAD
I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) ASAP for evaluation and treatment options
You do not need to see a physician for this problem. It should resolve quickly. The discoloration can last several months, and the nail plate may fall off. But it does not require medical attention unless the pain lasts more than 3-4 weeks