Internist | Hypertension Specialist Questions Doctor

Too weak for treatment?

I have bad lungs crippling arthritis, kidney stones, bladder stones. I take 60 mg of oxikoden for pain each day. I'm age 89. What if I just let go?

Male | 89 years old
Medications: to many to list
Conditions: very weak

5 Answers

Hospice is best thing at the point you describe for comfort care.
You will get withdrawn from your Oxycodone and pain will increase
You really need to coordinate your care with your family/PCP/Geriatric physician and with the urologist. If the stones are asymptomatic and not blocking the kidney drainage, not associated with infection or bleeding, then you may "just let go," and treat only if any serious problems arise such as blockage, pain, infection, or bleeding. Your doctors and you are the best to make a judgment.
Do you mean comfort care? That decision you can make with your primary doctor.
You will go through withdrawals. I would do that via the doctor who prescribed it or a pain clinic to use something else for pain and wean you off slowly.

Dr. Niko Lailas