Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Do chiropractors really move bones?

I am a 16 year old male. I want to know if chiropractors really move bones?

9 Answers

Did you ever crack your knuckles? This is called the para physiological joint space, and each joint moves 1-2 mm with adjustments, relaeasing carbon dioxide, creating a "clicking" sound. But the bones are held together with ligaments, and capsuls, to limit dislocation.
Try it for your self and find out. Yes, The bones will change Posture and Structure after an adjustment has been properly performed. Have done Pre and Post adjustments to prove this. But your Muscles, Ligaments, and Tendons have memory/ mechanoreceptors that will change it back. Think of braces for your teeth. If you did not retain them, they will go back. Same with your bones.
Yes. Please schedule an in person consultation to see how and why it is done. Thanks!
Yes we do. Bones misaligned and move small distances, but a chiropractor adjustment will move them back to normal positions.
No. Chiropractors increase joint motion to reduce pain, spasm, and to increase range if motion
Yes, we do. The adjustment is designed to move one bone or a particular group of bones in the spine or other joint from one position to another to release the joint motion. That is why you hear the "pop" sound as the joint fluid pressure releases.
Your muscles move bones. Every time you move, your bones move. In this sense, yes chiropractors move bones. Chiropractors also move joints. Your joints move when your muscles contract. Without joints and muscles, your bones don't move. Sometimes your joint begin to move less, or they begin to move abnormally. Chiropractors help restore the normal motion of your joints. This allows you to move easier, and takes stress off your joints and your body.
Yes Chiropractors are moving bones millimeters or fractions of millimeters to align the joints of the spine and extremities, and to restore proper function of those joints.