“Does ear pain cause a baby to cry uncontrollably?”
My toddler is crying uncontrollably and I think she has ear pain. Does ear pain cause a baby to cry uncontrollably?
10 Answers
Ear pain can cause a baby to cry but if your baby is not consolable, you should have them evaluated by a physician
Ear pain is definitely a cause of crying in children, sometimes they will dig in the ear or hit the ear, but some children cannot pinpoint the cause of the pain.
While ear infections, fluid in the ears from viruses, or teething causing ear pain can cause a toddler to be inconsolable for a time, you should get your child checked to rule out other more serious causes if it lasts for a while, they have fevers, they are unable to drink, or your child looks unwell.
Ear pain can be quite significant and can certainly cause a toddler to cry. Toddlers do not have an ability to verbally communicate fully so crying can sometimes be the only way that they can express their pain. There are certainly other things that can make toddlers cry uncontrollably as well, so I would definitely recommend having your child checked by the doctor to see if the ear is the source of the pain
In answer to your question, "Does ear pain cause a baby to cry uncontrollably?" in my experience, I would say yes, it can. However, it is just one of many possible causes of uncontrollable crying. An appropriate dose of Tylenol or Ibuprofen (depending on age) should interrupt crying from earache. This probable relief should give you time to call or visit your baby's pediatrician.
If your baby is 3 months of age or older, please visit the American Academy of Pediatrics Family Web Page,
or, if younger than 3 months, visit
to learn more about infant crying.
Dr. T
In answer to your question, "Does ear pain cause a baby to cry uncontrollably?" in my experience, I would say yes, it can. However, it is just one of many possible causes of uncontrollable crying. An appropriate dose of Tylenol or Ibuprofen (depending on age) should interrupt crying from earache. This probable relief should give you time to call or visit your baby's pediatrician.
If your baby is 3 months of age or older, please visit the American Academy of Pediatrics Family Web Page,
or, if younger than 3 months, visit
to learn more about infant crying.
Dr. T
It certainly can. Usually, a child will grab his or her ear as well and run a fever. Also, a toddler can have pain from teething that could be intense. You may want to visit your pediatrician for an exam if not improved with Tylenol or Motrin.
Your pain could make a baby cry but also ear pain can come from a problem in the throat like a throat infection. If you're concerned about an infection please see a doctor to make sure you're not overlooking something that could be diagnosed and treated.