“Does stress cause a child to sleepwalk?”
My 15 year old son has been stressed about remote school. Lately, he has been sleepwalking in the hallway and I don't want him to get injured.
2 Answers
Sleep walking can be a normal part of behavior in children. It generally goes away as children age into adults. Stress can definitely provoke sleepwalking. It is not common for people to injure themselves, but provision of a safe environment without fall risks or dangerous objects is appropriate.
Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder that occurs in slow wave sleep that happens in children more than adults. During the early phases of the night kids go through a higher percent of deep sleep with the slow waves during which you can be prone to sleepwalking or what we call parasomnia.
Poor sleep schedule , increased stress, and sleep apnea can trigger sleepwalking and other parasomnias.
Sleep walking can be normal in children and can occur spontaneously as well as Interrupted asleep.
Many kids have sleepwalking but most outgrow it. It can occur in 10% of adults later in life. Poor sleep habits, alcohol intake ,OSA, noise and medications I can increase sleepwalking while other medications decreased sleepwalking. When your sleep deprived you recover by oversleeping and there is a rebound of slow wave sleep it can promote parasomnia in the form of sleepwalking.
Poor sleep schedule , increased stress, and sleep apnea can trigger sleepwalking and other parasomnias.
Sleep walking can be normal in children and can occur spontaneously as well as Interrupted asleep.
Many kids have sleepwalking but most outgrow it. It can occur in 10% of adults later in life. Poor sleep habits, alcohol intake ,OSA, noise and medications I can increase sleepwalking while other medications decreased sleepwalking. When your sleep deprived you recover by oversleeping and there is a rebound of slow wave sleep it can promote parasomnia in the form of sleepwalking.