“Does surgery stitches leave scars?”
I am a 22 year old male. I want to know if surgery stitches leave scars?
5 Answers
Yes but it's the incision that leaves the scar,it can be reduced with some of the products but not avoided
All surgical procedures leave scars. Sutures may contribute to scar depending on how they are placed and what type is used. Ask your surgeon for specifics.
Everyone heals differently after surgery. That being said, the larger the incision, the more likely you are to have a noticeable scar. Also, the way your incision is closed will effect how much scarring you have. Using staples vs stitches on the outside of the skin vs stitches underneath the skin will change the appearance of your scar after you have healed. Typically, I try to minimize scarring as much as possible by placing my sutures underneath the skin.