Orthopedist | Foot and Ankle Surgery Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

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I had a severe car accident in September 2017. My lower legs have had fractures. My left foot was very severe and had to have surgery. I can’t feel the top of my foot. Would like to get it better, but I think it will always be like this.

Female | 51 years old
Complaint duration: 4 years
Medications: None
Conditions: None

8 Answers

Hi, although I cannot read the post of the page, what seems to be a report. I recommend you to see a neurologist or podiatrist asap. cannot feel means the connection of the foot to the brain is damaged or severed. The only way to know is thru a consultation and some test. good luck in your treatment search.
I can really read the report, but if it hasn't gotten better by now, it will probably always be that way--probably a nerve injury.
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Depending on the injury, you may always have numbness of the top of the foot. I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for diagnosis and treatment options
At this point, you would need an evaluation by a board certified Neurologist. Should include a detailed history and physical followed by EMGs and nerve conduction velocity studies. X-rays of the fracture site would help. Employing these diagnostic measures, you should able most if not all of your inquiry and concerns. 

I treat many people after motor vehicle accidents, even ones from years prior and see a reduction in pain in my patients, if that helps!
Best to come in and be evaluated. You may have had some form of nerve injury, which may take a long time to recover, if at all.

Robert D. Swift, DO, FAOAO
I am unable to open or enlarge the report you've attached to this query. What I will say is this: with severe trauma and fractures, it is possible to have nerve damage, particularly if there was also surgery involved. Furhtermore, if your low back was injured/if you had any spine issues prior to the accident or afterwards from the accident, this could also cause numbness and nerve damage into the feet and legs. If you can visit a Neurologist or get a referral to a neurologist, and if you can have a nerve conduction study performed, that will let you know if there is nerve damage, and can often tell you at what level the damage is extending from (ie: your foot, leg or back).
It appears from the accident, you may have damaged the superficial nerves on the dorsal aspect of the foot, but you should be evaluated by a board-certified podiatrist to see if there is an entrapment of the nerve itself.