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Drug testing?

I smoked on Nov 23, 24, and 29, Dec 2, 3, and 25. I haven’t smoked since. Should I be ok for a blood test by the 20th?

Female | 23 years old

4 Answers

Usually takes three to four months to clear any drug from the blood system.
You didn't specify what you were smoking. If you are addressing metabolites of tetrahydrocannabinol (marijuana ingredient), the blood test can remain elevated for days, depending on the dose taken and how often you've smoked.
What blood test? Testing for tobacco use usually involves testing saliva and urine and not blood.
Marijuana is highly fat soluble. Generally, women greater than men can test positive for up to 30 days since last use. There are home test you can purchase at your local pharmacy to check at home so you are not surprised. So, it’s possible you would but with relatively infrequent use good chance you will not.