Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)

Ear infection?

I hope you can help me. I’ve been having ear pain on my left ear for over a month. In the beginning I didn’t think anything of it since I had dental surgery 3 months prior. I’ve been searching the internet and and my symptoms are similar to an ear fungal infection. There is viral, bacterial, and fungal/yeast. Want to make sure which one is the one I have…my symptoms are itchiness, a bit swollen, some bumps, some scaling, hard of hearing, facial numbness, pain ear feels clogged like wanting pop, and possibly a ruptured eardrum. Recently I’ve been treating it with salt in a sock and some athlete’s foot clotrimazole clean for the outer ear and it has gotten better but I don’t know what I can use for the inside of ear? I am unemployed, and I do not drive. I have not been to the doctors in over 20 years. I do not have health/medical insurance. Is there anything at all that I can get over the counter medication that can help me treat/cure it?

Female | 40 years old

8 Answers

You need to be seen by an ear nose and throat specialist for examination, and possibly for culture. The doctor also will check your TMJ. TMJ problems after dental treatment would explain the pain, but not your other symptoms.
You need an ENT consultation. Please make an appointment.

Michael Setzen, MD, FACS, FARS, FAAP
“SwimEar” is an over-the-counter product. 3 drops in affected ear 3 times/day.
You need to have an ENT look at the ear with a microscope. He/She can clean to ear canal of debris and have look at the eardrum. Depending on what they find, a wick may be inserted in the ear canal, you may be prescribed ear drops, and told to keep ear dry. Stop using Q-tips forever if you do use them. No chemical sprays near ears. You can use OTC 3% peroxide. Get an ear dropper and fill the canal before you take a shower. Run the hot water in. Can repeat, but not advised to do so repeatedly as this can cause ear canal irritation. If you do not have a history of an ear drum perforation, this is will be safe. best to see ENT. Go to any University center that has ENT residents. We are the only doctors who have the right equipment.
The short answer is: Yes there is some OTC treatment that you can try. It will help with most types of ear canal infections, both bacterial and fungal. If, however, it does not work after 14 days, then I would highly recommend seeking care with an ENT in your area. The OTC treatment is this: Make a 1:1 mixture of plain 70% rubbing alcohol and plain white vinegar. Get an eye/ear dropper and fill your ear up with that mixture. Let it sit there for 3-5 minutes. Then tip your head to let it run out. Dab your ear dry so you don't smell like a pickle. Do that twice a day for 2 weeks. Hopefully that will help.
One thing we commonly recommend is an alcohol/vinegar solution. Mix rubbing alcohol with white vinegar 50/50 mix. Put in ear with an eye dropper, which you can get at a pharmacy. Do that 2-3 times a day until your symptoms resolve. If it burns when going in, that may be an indication you have a ruptured ear drum and you should certainly seek a physician's advice. If you are self-pay, it would be most cost effective to go directly to an ENT office and pay self-pay prices. Would save you a lot of time and money.

Benjamin Kelley, DO

Unfortunately, this may require seeing an ENT specialist to have the ear canal cleaned and debrided to fully evaluate and treat.

Dr. D
Sorry to hear about your issue. Hard for me to say without looking in your ear. But, here’s my advice:

- dilute white vinegar and distilled water 50/50
- put 2-3 drops/ear two times a day for 7 days
- peroxide diluted with water to clear the ear of wax and dead skin
- baby oil at night to lubricate it