Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Ear leaked suddenly?

I was going through my day and all of sudden a yellow/brown liquid leaked out of my ear. I had two surgeries for cholesteatomas. I thought my eardrum just exploded but the doctor said everything was fine. Nothing else, just that my ear drum was fine. The liquid made me very worried as it came out of nowhere and a lot. It took a while to stop. What was it and should I go see someone else?

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 0/00/00
Medications: Nothing
Conditions: cholesteatoma

6 Answers

I would go see an ent who can examine your ear thoroughly. Tympanomastoidectomy can change the way an ear drum appears, which may be hard to see what's normal or abnormal by a primary care doctor. It depends what kind of ear surgeries you had. If you had what's called a canal wall down mastoidectomy, you will have a lot of empty space in there which can collect fluid. Either way, i would have an ENT take a look
To me, this sounds like waxy drainage from the ear canal. The drainage is usually sticky and with an odor, You describe no pain or discomfort which.
Sometime the two glands in the ear canal that make earwax by mixing together did not mix properly. Nothing too worry about. I would still go to an Ear-Nose-Throat doctor for a look.
Did your surgeon or another ENT actually look with a microscope in your ear, clean the discharge out, and test whether or not the tympanic membrane was intact? If not, keep the ear dry and see an ENT who will take the appropriate steps. Sometimes the cerumen liquifies with ear canal heat.
You should absolutely go back and see your ENT (not your primary doctor) and let them take a better look. After having cholesteatomas there is no reason to hesitate to have a more thorough exam. Good luck!
I recommend you see an Ear, Nose and Throat physician. This definitely needs to be evaluated.

Angela R. Sieh Ceretto, M.A., CCC-A, FAAA


Pinnacle Audiology, LLC

6809 S. Minnesota Ave., Suite 101
