Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Eyelid twitching?

My eyelid won't stop twitching it's happened over the years a couple of times but in the last 3 weeks it's been happening constantly almost every day.

Male | 36 years old
Complaint duration: 21 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

4 Answers

It can be a sign of stress, anxiety sleeplessness, or drinking too much coffee. Try to pay attention to them and correct them.
Blepharospasm or lid twitch the majority of the time is secondary to dry eyes. Use hot packs over the eye 5-10 mins a day, keep your lashes clean with baby shampoo, and used artificial tears often 3-4x per day. These days everyone is on the computer for work and social needs. Make sure to blink and look away often from the screen. If you still have the twitch then go to the eye doc for an exam. Sometime it could be neurological causes for it.
Please call and get an appointment. Many issues and concerns of the eye can not be answered without evaluation. This could be stress or muscles spasm but without a formal check I can't say.
Eyelid twitching is usually nothing to worry about. It can be the product of stress, caffeine, lack of sleep, etc. If the twitching extends to the cheek or lower face, a condition called hemifacial spasm may exist. It would be wise to discuss this with your physician. An MRI of the brainstem to look for a vascular loop irritating the origin of the facial nerve is indicated. Treatment with Botox or even surgery is possible.