“Going back to work question?”
Male | 67 years old
Complaint duration: 0
Medications: Symbacort, Spiriva, Albuterol
Conditions: c.o.p.d.
5 Answers
B) consider wearing a large protective face shield. They allow for singing or eating. You may want to have them "available" for customers seated at tables near your section (or make it a menu item, for sale!). Perhaps it will start a trend at that restaurant!
C) Consider is there a safer spot to sing? Does it make sense?
D) Timing: If you start a bit later, & refrain from a break, would you be more comfortable with less 'exposure' (less moving around is less touching a source)? If you time one entrance & then close with the restaurant closing, are you able to reduce some guest interaction?
E) Practice the elbow tap, or alternate "no contact with face or hands" acknowledgement, if you are comfortable.
F) Double glove, take off the top glove if possible exposure of touching something.
G) Keep your wipes & sanitizer handy & wipe down any mike or head set before use.
H) Start on an OFF night, for a short session. You will probably figure out you can do a little & the full role from before is probably not needed as much now.
I ) Practice your singing with a mask, in case the 'gut feeling' to protect yourself even further shows up. Perhaps there are certain songs you pull off a bit more confidently in that situation? Or sing your first song that way every night.
J) Air purifiers come in small personal versions, get one for your "spot".