OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN


My wife and I have been together for 17 years. Recently her pap came back with HPV. She had it at the beginning of our relationship. Now 17 years later she has tested positive again. Did the original virus go dormant for 17 years, or has she contracted it again? For the record I have absolutely never cheated on her in any way. I'm a little worried that if she has cheated, I may end up getting an STD.

Male | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 7 days
Conditions: HPV

3 Answers

It has likely been dormant for 17 years. Sometimes a change in immune status can cause this.
Yes, HPV can be dormant in your system. Younger your wife is, higher the chances that her immune system will clear it. This might not happen at ages 50 and above. Risk of cancer for men is very low, almost negligible, hence men are not tested. Although there is a risk of oral and anal cancer depending on the different sexual practices. Both of you can get tested for other STD’s anyway.
Take care!
That is not uncommon to still being picked up. There are a number of HPV viruses some potentially more harmful than others. Some are low risk. She just needs to f/u with her Pap smears & colposcopy ( looking with a microscope) if needed. You can be screened too if you are concerned. I know this raises questions, just be sure you both are ok. This is not uncommon.