Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Have I suffered a brain injury?

I am 18 years old and I have recently been worrying about a possible blow to the head I received while working out at the gym. I may have hit myself against the back of the head with a 50 pound sandbag. I didn't realize, though, whether the back actually hit my head or rather my neck. I did not feel any bumps, nor did I lose consciousness after the incident.

This was about 4 days ago and ever since I've been paranoid about the experience. I have been having a light headache, exclusively in the back of my head. Furthermore, I feel relatively dazed and confused lately and I seem to have trouble understanding text or coming up with fitting articulations to express myself.

Is it possible to suffer a TBI from lightly hitting yourself in the back of the head? Should I get it checked out? Or is it possible I may have been overthinking all of this and fallen victim to a psychosomatic mirage fueled by paranoia?

Best wishes and thanks for every possible answer!

Male | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

3 Answers

I see no evidence of a “psychosomatic mirage fueled by paranoia." What a wonderfully descriptive phrase though. From your description, it sounds like you have had a concussion. A TBI would refer to a more serious injury with isolated or diffuse damage to the brain. A concussion occurs when the brain is shaken against the inside of the skull. There may be some surface bruising. Your symptoms are typical of a concussion and will likely resolve without any permanent damage. It would be appropriate to see your family doctor.
Consult Neurology. You can start Counseling as well. But yes, this can be TBI. It may not have been a mild injury. It sounds like a Concussion.
From your description of the event, it sounds extremely mild to be causing your symptoms. You yourself seem to acknowledge the case. However, you are experiencing concerning issues. Whether they are purely psychosomatic or something else that may have been exacerbated by the bump to your head/neck, it might be a good idea to check it out.
Best of luck to you as well.

Dr. F.