“High blood test results?”
MCV 101
MCH 34.6
Creatine 1.34
eGFR 1.34
Female | 71 years old
Complaint duration: few months
Medications: er 200 mg. bid, premarin .625, lisinopril 40 mg., hydromorphone hcl 2 g., tizanidine 2 mg q 12 hrs
Conditions: MVP, Asthma, spinal surgery x 3, high high cholesterol
4 Answers
MCH 34.5 - The normal value is 24 to 33 picograms (pg) of hemoglobin percent. Again a difference of .05% is considered WNL.
Creating - nl = 0.7 to 1.3 mg/dl. Your creatinine level is considered WNL. A value of great concern would be 5.0 or above for renal failure. Your value is WNL>
eGFR - 1.34 your value. It what they medical practitioner consider within normal limits (WNL)
The etiology go your bladder or what we call bladder incontinence are multiple causes. One thing to check is weakening of your pelvic floor muscles that due to general health and lifestyle changes can cause bladder leaks. There are exercises's that can help. Check with your dr. (OBGYN) Thank you.
Your creatinine indicated renal under function, however the eGFR is probably wrong, it cannot be 1.34 with a creatinine level of 1.34. You sound like consult a urologist and or nephrologist to address your urinary issues.