Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Hip pain?

I feel hip pain when I am running. What is causing this?

Male | 16 years old

4 Answers

"Hip" pain could be many many things. It could be a lower back problem, a hip tendon (either ITB or iliopsoas) or a problem with your actual hip joint. I would recommend stopping running and taking 3 tablets with each meal for 2 weeks. Then start running at a lower pace and shorter distance. If your pain does not return, gradually increase speed and distance. If pain doesn't go away or persists, see an orthopedic surgeon.
Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
There are many sources for your pain. Typically when patients report hip pain it is arising from either lower back. Regardless, you need to be evaluated by a medical professional to see where your pain is coming from and then provide advice regarding appropriate treatment.
Most common is iliiotibial band syndrome, which would be side hip pain. If it's groin pain, then tight hip flexors or labral issue.
Hip or groin pain can occur for many reasons. The most common in your age group is a tendinitis or bursitis. Less common are stress fractures, cartilage tears called the labrum, sports hernia. If it has not been present for more then 3 weeks I would suggest decreasing the running, perhaps change the running surface and cross train if possible with bike or swimming. I would also increase my hip stretching exercises. When pain decreases slowly increase running at rate of 10%weekly. (Yes this is slow). If pain persists seek evaluation from Orthopedic surgeon within 3 weeks. I would suggest earlier if pain has been present longer or is getting worse with your modified workout. Good luck.