Orthopaedic Surgery Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Hip replacement?

I have had two orthopedic procedures in Aberdeen, a hip replacement and an ankle fused. Both of these have not had great outcomes. I will ask about my hip joint problem first. I had it done 4 years ago. The consultant surgeon told me after the procedure that it was normal to lose 50% of the strength but it would come back within 6 months. I did lose 50% but it has not regained. I have done a lot of internet investigation on side effects and cannot find any reference to loss of strength. Is this correct or could the procedure have resulted in a muscle tendon separated?

Male | 71 years old
Complaint duration: 4 years
Medications: none
Conditions: good

4 Answers

It's possible, it's also possible that there may have been an injury to your sciatic nerve. Typically, in my hands, there is no loss of strength after a hip replacement. Not sure why they told you that.
PT/OT has to be done after procedure to build back muscle strength. it never returns to 100%.
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Typically muscle strength does return, and can improve for a year or more. Some muscle may be damaged during the procedure, but typically other muscles intact can compensate. Physical therapy and exercise can improve strength, but if you are having difficulty, re-evaluation of your hip would be recommended to make sure there are no failures occurring, or to see if there are any treatments that can be provided to improve your strength.
It is entirely possible the nerve or muscle or tendon did not recover following the operation. This may have been for many reasons, blood flow or the parts were too far apart to rejoin properly. Exercise is the best "cure."

Klee Bethel