Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Hormones and shivers?

I have had 4 treatments of acupuncture. The first 3 were okay mainly for sinuses and fluid retention around the eyes but on my 4th visit, I asked if she could help my irritable libido and occasional sweat. So she put a needle in my foot on both sides on the right foot I got a severe tingling and pins and needles she removed instantly to another part the was fine but the next day started getting mild pain in the arch of the foot and up calf muscle inner thigh and sometimes right up to shoulder not every day but on and off most days 3 weeks now. I also have sweats with hormones and now shivers.

Female | 56 years old
Complaint duration: 3 weeks
Medications: Thyroxine
Conditions: Underactive thyroid

11 Answers

The practitioner used a different school of Acupuncture. In my practice, I like to use Classical Medicine (Extraordinary Vessels), if there are any hormonal component involved. They are more gentle, and therefore, do not have any side effects.
I read this question before and answered this question already, isn't it ?
Don’t know why
I do not have your full intake and or your exam
I encourage you to contact the practitioner. Also maybe find a new practitioner to help you.
I'm not really sure what your question is here? Did you speak to your practitioner about this? What are your practitioner's qualifications/training/educational background?
I know the timing is suspicious, but the pain up your leg and into your arm for 3 weeks isn't likely to be from one acupuncture treatment. In fact, at first, treatments usually only last a day or two, so these other pain symptoms are probably from some other cause.

If she treated you for libido and hormones, she may have made a shift in your levels, but again, it's not likely that one treatment is causing the sweats and shivers 3 weeks after a single treatment.

I would suggest discussing these symptoms with your acupuncturist.
My suggestion is to immediately contact your acupuncturist and see if they can help. The issue may or may not have anything to do with the treatment or what happened during your last treatment. The acupuncturist will be best able to determine what caused the issue and how to treat it. Sometimes a needle may hit a nerve but that does not cause the long-term symptoms you are experiencing.
My recommendation is to contact your acupuncturist to let them know and to discuss it with them.

When it comes to tingling that is a normal reaction to acupuncture. (severe pain is not acceptable) When it comes to pain after acupuncture you may feel some mild discomfort for a couple of days after the treatment. No longer than that. Sweating is part of the hormonal changes that you experiencing (especially with under active thyroid). If your symptoms persist follow up with your MD.
Without knowing what acupuncture point was utilized and why the practitioner thought that point was appropriate (i.e. your diagnosis inside the Chinese model), it's very hard to say what might be going on. I strongly suspect that your provider accidentally hit a nerve with the needle, but without knowing the specific placement I can't say which nerve or whether that would cover the symptoms you're now experiencing. The first thing I'd do is contact the original provider and let them know what you're now experiencing. They may have some ideas about how to reverse this situation and get things back on track for you.

If you're not comfortable going that route, go to and use their 'Find a Practitioner' lookup to get some other local providers. Call around and see if anyone offers a free consult. This would give you a chance to meet the provider and talk to them about the issues you're experiencing. They may want to see your treatment record from the original practitioner, but you may be able to describe the needle locations well enough in person for them to get an idea of what happened. With that information, they may be able to come up with a plan for resolving your issue.
It seems you sweat easily, and have shivers, also thyroid, and other problems at the same time. The fact you sweat easily means your Qi or energy is low and you are shaking meaning you have some interior wind which is related to the liver, and thyroid too. These problems can be treated gradually with acupuncture, herbs, and sometimes massage. It might take you between 3 to 6 months to get rid of these. The treatment would be 2-3t/week for 4 to 6 or 8 weeks to see then less for observation and maintenance.